3D Cinema

Apparently its going to be the next revolution in film-making, after sound, colour, and digital transfer, though actually 3D cinema has been around before them! Reading the latest issue of Total Film (Issue 155, June 2009), you will find a whole section on the topic, with some (free) 3D specs to pop on, while you look at some snapshots from past films, upcoming films, and images of porn! Yep, you didn’t read that wrong, there is one page dedicated to discussing how the porn industry is also embracing 3D, and has done so once or twice in the past.

But enough of that, you get the sense that 3D cinema is going to be the next big thing in the next few years, what with Up (the first 3D animated film to open the Cannes film festival i think you’ll find), Avatar, Alice In Wonderland (Due 2010, Tim Burton’s new adap looks very good from what i’ve seen and heard, especially since hearing that Johnny Depp is playing the Mad Hatter, and Stephen Fry will be starring as the Cheshire Cat!), Ice Age 3, TinTin, Tron, and even a fourth Final Destination entitled Final Destination: Death Trip 3D, which, by judging what happened to My Bloody Valentine 3D, will disagree with the crtitics but agree with the box office takings.

Also did you know that some films are being given the 3D makeover? And i don’t mean remakes. The Lord Of The Rings, Blade Runner, The Matrix Trilogy and Star Wars (All 6 films) are being ‘upgraded’ to 3D. Which i think will please alot of people indeed. Its certainly got me waiting in anticipation, especially Star Wars…

Star Trek


Hey there all of you. Sorry for not doing a post in AAAGGGEESS, but will try and keep it up from now on. And anyway I want to start my ‘return’ with a film review (Sorry if people find it a bit long. POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERTS).

Yes while not deciding to go to the university ball last night, one of my mates suggested I go and see Star Trek at the local cinema with a few other mates, as it was the first night showing. Now not being a true ‘trekkie’, perhaps the only one in the group, i decided to go for two reasons. One, its a JJ Abrams film, having been a fan of MI3 and Cloverfield, I wanted to see how he re-invisioned it (and judging by the trailers it looked like a good film anyway), bringing me onto my second point, I wanted to give it a chance, to see whether it was my kinda thing and to see whether the ‘re-invisioning’ (if that is a word) panned out.

So, I get to the cinema, which is packed considering it is a cinema in a sea-side town in west wales, watch a few trailers and adverts, then role the opening credits. What i then see for the next two hours or so is an astonishing achievement, it had me going from the dramatic opening scene, to a ‘here is a hint that there will be sequels’ ending. I found Chris Pine’s James Kirk to be a very relaxed, funny, rebelious and intelligent lead, right from the scene where he is in a bar and bumps into a few of the Enterprise crew, including a very beautiful Uhuru (Zoe Saldana). I also found Zachery Quinto to be a perfect Spock, forget Syler, this is the role that I will remember him by, playing a half-vulcan, half-human role with such calm, intriguing intelligence and, in one or two scenes, emotion.

While Dr Leonard ‘Bones’ Mccoy (Karl Urban) and Montgomery ‘Scotty’ Scott (Simon Pegg) also play two wonderfully entertaining roles, Simon Pegg especially, though it came to me as no surprise that he plays a similar role to that which he played in ‘MI3’, a character who isn’t seen that much, but when we he is on screen, provides some more comic relief. Not that i’m saying that he provides all the comedy, Kirk, Spock, Bones, and Uhuru all take their turns in the comic spotlight.

But don’t see this as a comedy spectacle, the balance of Action and Sci-Fi is perfectly executed, both blending together without the need of a romance inbetween (like you get in, say, Transformers). This film is though in essence about Spock and Kirk, JJ himself saying in an interview with TotalFilm (Issue 153, April 2009) “They were the characters I cared about. I didn’t feel like I would be very good at doing a completely seperate space adventure that had the Star Trek name on it. But going back to the beginning… that was more interesting.”

All in all an absolutely brilliant film, appealing to the hardcore ‘trekkies’ (my mates afterwards said that they thought it was absolutely brilliant), the semi-fans, and the ‘newbies’, a film that I would definately recommend anyone go and see. I just can’t wait for the sequels, because there wouldn’t be a reason not to as i’m sure this will be a phenomenal success, but only as long as JJ directs them, as the clapping from the audience the film got when the credits rolled was well and truly deserved.
